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Order ID: 12548 Name: User Name
11-04-2020 6:55 pm
Panadol Tablets 500mg
Dose: bill every 8 houers for 1 week
Note from pharmacy: Exampele for note from pharmacy
Panadol Tablets 500mg
Dose: bill every 8 houers for 1 week
Note from pharmacy: Exampele for note from pharmacy
Panadol Tablets 500mg
Dose: bill every 8 houers for 1 week
Note from pharmacy: Exampele for note from pharmacy
Ordered by Prescription
11-04-2020 6:55 pm
Note about prescription: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut pretium pretium tempor. Ut eget imperdiet neque. In volutpat ante semper diam molestie, et aliquam erat laoreet. Sed sit amet arcu aliquet, molestie justo at, auctor nunc. Phasellus ligula ipsum.
Panadol Tablets 500mg
Dose: bill every 8 houers for 1 week
Note from pharmacy: Exampele for note from pharmacy
Panadol Tablets 500mg
Dose: bill every 8 houers for 1 week
Note from pharmacy: Exampele for note from pharmacy